Saturday, April 11, 2009

Meet Mitch Albom.........

Dear David Vernon Goddard,

I work with Mitch Albom on his new website, and noticed that you recently wrote about Mitch and his work on your blog. So I thought you might be interested to know that we just launched a new website at

There's a huge amount of content on the new site, including dozens of videos and articles related to Mitch's books; a link to live-stream his daily talk radio program; message boards where fans can share their thoughts and comments with Mitch and other readers; a special section devoted to Reading Groups; a community service section where organizations can post volunteer events and users can search by zip code to find opportunities in their local communities; an archive of every column Mitch has written for the Detroit Free Press (more than 4,000), including all his new columns as he writes them; his ESPN sports commentaries; clips from movies made from his books; a section devoted to theatre productions of plays; and a place for teachers to share stories about using Mitch's books in the classroom. And there's much more as well.
You'll need to register in order to access certain parts of site, and we encourage you to sign up for the Newsletter as well. In the next couple of weeks Mitch will be making an announcement about his new book, Have a Little Faith.
We hope you'll visit soon and return often.
Kind regards,

Please note that your email address has not been added to any list and this is the only message you will receive from us. If you wish to receive information about Mitch and his work in the future please sign up for the Newsletter at

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